Team Reads

Most of the athletic teams in our program meet once a week from 3:15-4:30, Monday - Thursday, with adult volunteers who read with them in groups of two or three student athletes. Our Team Reads Program develops reading comprehension and is a core element of our relationship building process. It is the best way for us to get to know the players. Since Coach takes time away from practice for them to be there, it reiterates the importance of academic development to our student athletes.
Academic Tutoring

Many of our Student Athletes require extra assistance with their homework and test preparation. To meet this need, our team includes adult and student volunteers who are able to provide one-on-one tutoring after school in subjects ranging from Algebra to U.S. History to Chemistry. Many of our alumni credit their success to the extra help they received during these tutoring sessions. Over the years many of our student tutors and Student Athletes have formed lasting and rewarding friendships.
ACT/SAT Classes

In our continuing effort to "level the playing field," with the help of our partner Bespoke Education, we offer qualifying Student Athletes the opportunity to attend after school SAT preparatory classes. Our program participants value these classes and being selected to participate is an honor. We have discovered that this opportunity is very motivating for our younger Student Athletes.
Cooney College Center

Under the expert guidance of Ms. Cortés, we have built a program that runs from 3:15-4:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday, that provides student athletes with the crucial assistance necessary to apply to and find the college that best suits their academic and financial needs. This program is well supported by our dedicated volunteers and is one of our crowning achievements. The energy and optimism in the room on submission day is only surpassed on acceptance day when a student receives a YES! from a college and we ring out the bell in celebration!
Cooney College Success Program

In order to make sure our Student Athletes cross the finish line, we have added a formal mentoring program under the professional leadership of Laura Amigone. Laura and volunteer mentors provide our college students with valuable guidance and assistance throughout their four years of college and beyond. We believe this program is a very large part of our above average college retention success.
Cooney Scholarship Program

Since 2013, DC has awarded $259,750 in scholarships. These scholarships are given in honor of one of our founders, Jeff Cooney, and are awarded to student athletes who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, leadership potential, grit and determination.
Summer Program

In order to keep our Student Athletes engaged and interested in academics throughout the summer months, we offer a four to six week program that incorporates reading with exciting and fun field trip opportunities all focused on a theme for the summer. In years past we have explored such topics as gangs, the Founding Fathers (complete with a trip to NYC to see the play Hamilton), and taken multiple trips to the American Museum of Natural History and the Westchester District Attorney's Office, prominent local law firms and area hospitals to learn about career pathways.